Two long continental pollen records, FunzJ I (357 m) and Funza II (586 m) from the high plain of Bogott (Colombia) at 2550 m elevation, have been studied palynologically. Fusion track dates on zircon from intercJlat~l volcanic ashes provided a chronological framework and showed the pollen records, which conelate with high ~ to be continuous over the interval from ca. 3.2 Ma to ca. 27 ka. The Late Pfiocene-Pleistocene histot7 of the montane forests am/opm alpine pm'amo vegetation is documented with a temporal resolution of ca. 6-5 ka, and for the upper 1.1 Ma with a resolutim of ca. 1.2 kit. 'I'ne immigration of the northern hemisphere elements Alnus (at ca. 1 Ma) and Quercus (at c& 0.33 Ma), which travelled along the Panamanian land~dge, caused significant changes in the composition of the Andean montane forests. The mcceseive Pleistocene glac~iom fmced the Andean vegetation belts to an almost continuous altitudinal movement; the upper foreat line (at present at ¢g 3200 m) shifted between 1800 m (ghtchds) and ca. 3500 m (interglaci~), conesponding to a variation in temperature between ca. 5 and 15°C at 2550 m altitude. A provisional land-sea correlation (Funza pollen-ODP Site 6778~'O) is shown for the upper 1.2 Ma (Stages 3-35). l~equemcy analym of several time series showed timnifu:ant periods of the eccentricity (100 ka) and incession (23 and 19 ka) bands, showing orb/tal forcing and a slnmg change in climatic variability around 800 ka-At ca. 2.7 Ma, a significant cooling of ca. 5°C is documented, reflecting the classical terrestrial Pliocone-Pleistocene boundary, which correlates to the Reuverian-Ih-aefiglian boundary of the NW European stratigraphical climatic subdivision.