Despite the documented benefits Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) applications can have on scrvice provision for people with developmental disabilities, O B M is not widely practiced in service systems. One variable that may impact the utilization of OBM is how acceptable the associated procedures are to staff. The research on procedural acceptability in OBM is summarized in terms of two primary methods for determining consumer satisfaction with management procedures-rating. scales and discrete choices. Results of acceptability assessments utilizing ratings scales have repeatedly indicated high degrees o f sta,ff acceptance for virtually all OBM procedures. However, when staff have been asked to choose among management procedures, clear and consistent differences in acceptability have been apparent. Suggested directions for future research focus on improving acceptability assessment methodology, developing guidelines for implementing effective O B M proccdures in a manner that is most acceptable to staff, and involving supervisory and professional staff in acceptability evaluations. IArficfe copies available for a fee /ram The Hawortli Docisnetri Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678, E-mail address: gelitifo~ltawortl~pres~it~c.conl/ Marsha B. Parsons is affiliated with the Carolina Behavior Analysis and Support Center, Ltd., Morganton, NC. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Marsha B. Parsons, Carolina Behavior Analysis and Support Center, Ltd., P. 0. Box 425, Morganton, NC 28680. [I-laworih co-indexing enlry note]: "A Review of Procedural Accepiability in Organizalional Brhavior Maiiagemenl." Parsons, Marsha B. Co-published simultaneously iti Jounml of Orgoirizorioiml Behavior Maimgenteirr (The Haworlh Press, Inc.) Val . 18, No. 2N. 1998, pp. 173.190; and: Organua. rhirrrl Brlioiior Maimgefiieirr m d De~alopnrenrol Dknbilirks Senrices: AccoiiiplirluiwtLs ond husre Direcrions (ed: Dennis H. Reid) The Hawonli R m Inc., 1998. pp. 173-190. Single or multiple copies of this article are availablc for a fee fmm l l e Hawurth Uocument Delivery Srrvicc [1400-342-9678. 9M) 8.m. ~ 500 p.m.