We investigatedthe role of extraretinalinformation in the perception of absolute distance. In a computersimulated environment, monocular observers judged the distance of objects positioned at different locations in depth while performing frontoparallel movements of the head. The objects were spheres covered with random dots subtending three different visual angles. Observers viewed the objects at eye level, either in isolation or superimposed on a ground floor. The distance and size of the spheres were covaried to suppress relative size information. Hence, the main cues to distance were the motion parallax and the extraretinal signals. In three experiments, we found evidence that (1) perceived distance is correlated with simulated distance in terms of precision and accuracy, (2) the accuracy in the distance estimate is slightly improved by the presence of a ground-floor surface, (3) the perceived distance is not altered significantly when the visual field size increases, and (4) the absolute distance is estimated correctly during self-motion. Conversely, stationary subjects failed to report absolute distance when they passively observed a moving object producing the same retinal stimulation, unless they could rely on knowledge of the three-dimensional movements.
PANERAI, CORNILLEAU-PÉRÈS, AND DROULEZhand, few authors have pointed out a potential involvement of extraretinal signals in the calibration of motion parallax cues to recover absolute distance information (Bingham & Stassen, 1994;Eriksson, 1973Eriksson, , 1974. In the present investigation, we tested for experimental evidence of the role of extraretinal signals in the estimation of absolute distance. We compared performance of monocular subjects in two conditions: when they actively explored stationary objects while making head movements, and when they passively observed moving objects from a stationary position. The visual motion experienced by the subject in the active condition is reproduced in the passive condition by moving objects on the basis of previously recorded head trajectories. The results show that performance in estimating distance in the two conditions is dramatically different and suggest that extraretinal information plays an important role in scaling motion parallax for estimating object distance. Moreover, we examined the influence of two factors on subject's accuracy in reporting distance-namely, the presence of a ground surface (J. J. Gibson, 1950;Sinai, Ooi, & He, 1998) and the size amplitude of retinal stimulation (Coello & Grealy, 1997;B. J. Rogers & Bradshaw, 1993). According to previous investigators (Dijkstra, Cornilleau-Pérès, Gielen, & Droulez, 1995), the size of the stimulated visual field can be an effective parameter influencing the perception of three-dimensional shape from motion. Finally, work on visual-vestibular interaction (Dichgans & Brandt, 1978) suggests that the motion field size could influence the processing and the interpretation of optic flow, eliciting either an object motion or a self-motion percept. Conse...