“…Thus, the basis of CoPs becomes Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). For instance, techcommunication tools, the so-called chat-tech, are intensively adopted in the workplace as applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Skype are being used to coordinate work, scheduling, and discussion and interaction groups (TENÓRIO; BJØRN, 2019a; TENÓRIO; PINTO; BJØRN, 2017;GARCIA;TENÓRIO, 2017;HANDEL;HERBSLEB, 2002). Thus, previous CSCW research explores the work supported by technologies (BJØRN; HERTZUM, 2011) by fragmenting the nature of the still fundamentally important invisible work performed by secretaries, nurses, and remote workers, and others (BOSSEN, FOSS, 2016;WAGNER, 1993).…”