iv Procura da poesia (...) Chega mais perto e contempla as palavras.Cada uma tem mil faces secretas sob a face neutra e te pergunta, sem interesse pela resposta, pobre ou terrível, que lhe deres:Trouxeste a chave? (...)
Carlos Drummond de Andrade in A Rosa do Povo (1945)
From March 1979Tired of all who come with words, words but no language I went to the snow-covered island.The wild does not have words.The unwritten pages spread out on all sides! I come upon the tracks of roe deer in the snow.Language but no words.
Tomas Tranströmer in The Wild Market Square (1983, trad. Robin Fulton) v
DedicatoryThis dissertation is dedicated to Professor Jacob Laros and to Professor Luiz Pasquali, who advised me during my postgraduate studies with inspiring wisdom, not only embracing my projects, but also kindly respecting my ideas and decisions, and patiently guiding me through my doubts and after my stumbles. It is an honor to be an apprentice and a friend of such masters.vi
Agradecimentos (Acknowledgements)Um doutoramento não é resultado apenas da dedicação individual do estudante. Nesse sentido, faço os seguintes agradecimentos. À Renata e ao Bartholomeu, pelo amor e companheirismo. Aos meus pais, que sempre se esforçaram para oferecer aos filhos e a outros familiares oportunidades para o desenvolvimento educacional e profissional. Aos meus irmãos, cunhados e ao restante da minha grande e querida família mineira. À Thaís, Dudu e Raphael, a quem espero inspirar em seguir a carreira acadêmica. Aos meus professores da Educação Básica, que me ensinaram a aprender e inspiraram minha predileção pela ciência, artes e filosofia. Gostaria de lembrar especialmente das professoras Laudiene, Eliana, Magda Table 3. The Six-Topic Model with the 10 most relevant terms of the topics, reliability and presumed correspondence with other psycholexical models ……………………………………………………………..……….… 127 Table 4. The Seven-Topic Model with the 10 most relevant terms of the topics, reliability and presumed correspondence with other psycholexical models ……………………………………………………….… 128 Table 5. The Fourteen-Topic Model with the 10 most relevant terms of the topics, reliability and presumed correspondence with other psycholexical models ………………………………………………………… 130 Table 6. The Fifteen-Topic Model with the 10 most relevant terms of the topics, reliability and presumed correspondence with other psycholexical models …………………………………………………………. 132 Table 7. User frequency or the number of users that used the term, overall term frequency in the corpus, inverse document frequency, mean, minimum, maximum, and range …………………………..… 147xii
General AbstractThis dissertation consists of three studies concerning the lexical approach of research in the field of personality, with a focus on Brazilian culture and natural language. The first study is of a theoretical nature and explores some of the criticisms regarding the lexical approach to personality research with its origin in the psychological study of natural language and crosscultural psychology, as well as methodolo...