The research reported in this thesis focused on the potential o f neural precursor cells to provide a suitable source o f neurones which can be used in cell replacement strategies for Huntington's disease. Specifically, the parameters affecting the differentiation o f these cells into neuronal phenotypes were addressed and increasing the survival o f proliferating and differentiating neurones was attempted. In vivo characteristics and the fibre projections o f primary and 10 day expanded ENPs was also assessed. The limitations o f xenografts in this thesis led to the search for an alternative model system for such experiments. Chapter Three involved an extensive study investigating the effects o f a range o f concentrations of FGF-2 and EGF on the proliferation and more importantly the neuronal differentiation o f murine ENPs over 6 passages in culture, and it was found that the concentration had an effect on the neuronal proportion as well as the neuronal yield o f these cultures. Chapter 4 examined the turnover o f neuronal precursors in the ENP population cultured in the presence o f FGF2 and EGF, using BrdU. The ongoing proliferation o f neuronal precursors within ENP cultures was observed and the addition o f the growth factors: CNTF, BDNF, HGF and NGF, to enhance the survival o f these neurons on differentiation had no effect. Chapter 5 examined the potential o f 10 day expanded human striatal ENPs to maintain a striatal like phenotype both in vitro and in vivo in comparison to primary foetal tissue. In vitro after 10 days expansion ENPs differentiated into DARPP-32 positive neurons and this characteristic was maintained in vivo, in a lesion model o f HD, albeit to a much lesser extent. This study was limited by the need for ongoing immunosuppression which reduced the life span o f the host animal. Chapter 6 investigates further the potential o f ENPs. The ability for these cells to send long projections in the host brain and therefore repairing the circuitry lost or damaged as a result o f the disease. A four way analysis was carried out examining both alio-and xenograft environments with both primary and 10 day expanded ENPs. Mouse grafts were used to address the allograft environment given that such an experiment is not possible with human tissue and both human and mouse tissue addressed the xenograft environment. To overcome the issues associated with labelling the grafted tissue in the host brain, several techniques were employed, including; the use o f the GFP transgenic mouse, lentiviral labelling o f the cells with the LacZ gene and iontophoretic labelling o f the graft with anterograde tracers. ENP grafts were shown to send out longer projections than that o f primary tissue although this may be due to migration o f the grafted cells. Chapter 7 addresses the issue o f immunosuppression o f xenografted animals. An alternative model system was explored with the hypothesis being that it would be possible to tolerise the animal in the neonatal period to the xenograft tissue that would subsequently be u...