A cylindrical magnetohydrodynamic model including plasma pressure and longitudinal flow has been employed for the study of resistive wall mode ͑RWM͒ in reversed field pinch ͑RFP͒ plasmas. In order to validate the model, a careful comparison with the experimental measurements in RFX-mod ͓P. Sonato et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 66-68, 161 ͑2003͔͒ on the mode growth rates has been made by well matching the equilibrium parameters F, ⌰, and  p . The RWM instability spectrum, which varies with the equilibrium parameters, is also calculated for comparison. The sensitivity of the mode growth rate to the equilibrium parameters is studied in details. It is concluded that the model can provide consistent accuracy in studies of RWM in RFP plasmas. The analysis based on the balance of the potential energy components has been carried out in order to obtain the physical understanding on the mode behavior.