In a crystalline solid under mechanical stress, a Frank-Read source is a pinned dislocation segment that repeatedly bows and detaches, generating concentric dislocation loops. We demonstrate that in nematic liquid crystals, an analogous Frank-Read mechanism generates concentric disclination loops. Using experiment, simulation, and theory, we study a disclination segment pinned between surface defects on one substrate in a nematic cell. Under applied twist of the nematic director, the pinned segment bows and emits a new disclination loop which expands, leaving the original segment intact; loop emission repeats for each additional 180 degrees of applied twist. We present experimental micrographs showing loop expansion and snap-off, numerical simulations of loop emission under both quasistatic and dynamic loading, and theoretical analysis considering both free energy minimization and the balance of competing forces. Lastly, we discuss potential use of Frank-Read sources to modify microstructural evolution in both passive and active nematics.