In 2022, while the world has yet to be free from the aftermath of the long-term pandemic caused by COVID-19, the unusual epidemic of endemic diseases in Africa called mpox (monkeypox) was designated as the Public Health Emergency of International Concert by the World Health Organization, drawing world's attention to whether new pandemic will occur. Fatal epidemics such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Ebola, Novel swine-origin influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome, Zika virus infection, and Nipa virus infection, including mpox and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which were relatively recently prevalent worldwide, and the mentioned diseases were infected to humans due to contact with host animals. Thus, this study aims to investigate the overall characteristics and mechanisms of mpox, including transmission of the virus, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, and analyze the global trend status to understand the progress of epidemic. To prevent the recurrence of existing diseases such as mpox and the spread of new diseases, future studies to understand the causes and mechanisms of spillover and to preserve biodiversity on a global level is essential.