Let G be a complex semisimple Lie group. The aim of this article is to compare two basis for G-modules, namely the standard monomial basis and the dual canonical basis. In particular, we give a su cient condition for a standard monomial to be an element of the dual canonical basis and vice versa.Let G denote a semisimple, simply connected, algebraic group deÿned over an algebraically closed ÿeld k of arbitrary characteristic. We ÿx a Borel subgroup B and a maximal torus T ⊂ B, denote by W the Weyl group of G with respect to T . For a dominant weight let V ( ) be the corresponding Weyl module and let Q be the parabolic subgroup which normalizes a highest weight vector. Let L be the corresponding ample line bundle on G=Q. Consider the embedding G=Q ,→ P(V ( )) given by the global sections H 0 (G=Q; L ) V ( ) * .The aim of standard monomial theory is to give a presentation of the ring R = n¿0 H 0 (G=Q; L n ), which is compatible with the natural subvarieties of G=Q as