In this paper, we present an ultrasensitive reflection-type optical refractive index (RI) sensor with rotatory biased weak measurement. In our scheme, based on the optical rotatory dispersion effect, a bias phase is introduced by the postselection process. The bias phase without dispersion effect makes stronger postselection and smaller coupling strength accessible. Experimentally, our scheme obtains an enhanced sensitivity of 13605 nm/RIU while detecting fewer photons, which can effectively alleviate the saturation effect of the detector. We demonstrate a RI resolution of 1.8×10 −7 RIU. With response model and noise analysis of the CCD detector, we show that the performance of the RI sensor depends mainly on the long-time correlated noise of the light source and detector, and prove that our scheme gains advantages due to its high sensitivity. An ultimate resolution of 10 −9 RIU can be attained for our system.