We search for effects of tetrahedral deformation β32 over a range of ∼ 3000 heavy and superheavy nuclei, 82 ≤ Z ≤ 126, using a microscopic-macroscopic model based on the deformed Woods-Saxon potential, well tested in the region. We look for the energy minima with a non-zero tetrahedral distortion, both absolute and conditional -with the quadrupole distortion constrained to zero. In order to assure reliability of our results we include 10 most important deformation parameters in the energy minimization. We could not find any cases of stable tetrahedral shapes. The only sizable -up to 0.7 MeV -lowering of the ground state occurs in superheavy nuclei Z ≥ 120 for N = 173−188, as a result of a combined action of two octupole deformations: β32 and β30, in the ratio β32/β30 ≈ 3/5. The resulting shapes are moderately oblate, with the superimposed distortion β33 with respect to the oblate axis, which makes the equator of the oblate spheroid slightly triangular. Almost all found conditional minima are excited and not protected by any barrier; a handful of them are degenerate with the axial minima.