Canada is a complex plural society made of groups with multiple ethnic and linguistic origins. It is uncertain whether government support for multiculturalism is reflected in retention of ethnic identities in the majority of the population in the face of both acculturative social forces and publicly expressed political arguments against multiculturalism. The degree to which ethnic identity or identities are retained in young people is explored through secondary analysis of data gathered on some 2,100 Alberta adolescents, with analysis of various kinds of social adjustment that may be linked to expressed ethnic origins or ancestries. Nearly half of the adolescents retained a single ethnic allegiance, with the remainder expressing multiple ethnic identities. Many non-random patterns were found in terms of association of declared ethnic allegiance and variables such as home language; religious affiliation and observance; scholastic achievement; sexual behaviour; alcohol and drug use; family structure; and parental education, family discord, and selfesteem. Three groups (South Asian, Chinese, and Spanish and Portuguese) emerged as having strong family systems, conservative social habits and high achievement aspirations. Correlation of variables across ethnic groupings indicated a coherent pattern, with students of German, Polish, and Italian ancestry forming a group; Dutch and Ukrainian-ancestry students another; French, Scots, and Irish-ancestry a further group; and Scandinavian and English-ancestry students another group. The results are promising enough for us to propose that further research on complex ethnic identities and social behaviours in youth should be undertaken. Le Canada est une socidtd pluraliste complexe, composde de groupes d' origines ethniques et linguistiques multiples. II n' es t pas s~r si l'appui du gouvernement au multiculturalisme se reflOte dans le maintien des identitds ethniques de la majoritd de la population face la fois aux forces sociales acculturatives et aux arguments politiques exprimds publiquement JIMI/RIMI Volume 2 Number/num6ro 1 (Winter/hiver 2001):99-119 BAGLEY, BOLITHO, and BERTRAND contre le multiculturalisme. Le degrd de conservation de l'identitd ou des identitds ethniques chez les jeunes est examind par l'analyse secondaire de donndes recueillies aupr~s de 2 100 adolescents albertains, une analyse dtant faite des diffdrents genres d' ajustements sociaux qui peuvent Otre lids aux origines ethniques ou ancestrales exprimdes. Prks de Ia moitid des adolescents ont conservd une seule alldgeance ethnique, les autres exprimant des identitds ethniques multiples. On a rd'pertorid beaucoup de profils non aldatoires dans l' association de l'alldgeance ethnique ddclar~e et des variables comme la langue parlde d~ la maison, l' affiliation religieuse et l' observation du culte, les rdalisations scolaires, les comportements sexuels, l' alcool et les drogues, la structure familiale, le niveau d'instruction des parents, la discorde familiale et l'estime de soi. Trois groupes (les Asiatiq...