Purpose -There is common agreement that children's infl uence on parents to purchase products depends on the product category (products for a child vs. products for the family; minor everyday purchases vs. shopping goods). However, purchasing an innovative product in the presence of an adolescent, compared to the purchase of traditional products, creates a special context in which an adolescent might be considered a substantial source of expertise with diverse levels of impact on parents. The current research aims to demonstrate the magnitude of adolescents' impact on parents when purchasing innovative products, and to cluster the products based on the size of the impact and the level of the perceived innovativeness. Specifi c characteristics of clusters and the implications for marketers are discussed.Design/Methodology/Approach -An Internet panel was used to survey parents and adolescents from Lithuania on their assessment of the level of innovativeness and the level of children's infl uence on the purchasing 14 product groups. Within each group, an innovative product preselected on the basis of qualitative interviews was paired with the usual product in the category.
SažetakSvrha -Uobičajeno je mišljenje da utjecaj djece na roditelje u kupovini proizvoda ovisi o kategoriji proizvoda (proizvod za dijete u odnosu na proizvod za obitelj; manje svakodnevne u odnosu na kupovinu trajnih proizvoda). No kupovina inovativnog proizvoda u prisutnosti adolescenta, u usporedbi s kupovinom tradicionalnog proizvoda, stvara poseban kontekst gdje adolescent može biti smatran značajnim izvorom stručnosti s različitim razinama utjecaja na roditelje. Cilj istraživanja jest pokazati intenzitet adolescentskog utjecaja na roditelje pri kupovini inovativnih proizvoda i grupirati proizvode na temelju veličine utjecaja i razine percipirane inovativnosti. Razmatraju se specifi čne značajke grupa proizvoda i implikacije za marketinške stručnjake.Metodološki pristup -Primjenom internetskog panela, ispitivani su roditelji i adolescenti iz Litve u vezi s vlastitom procjenom razine inovativnosti i utjecaja djece na kupovinu 14 grupa proizvoda. Unutar svake grupe, inovativni je proizvod prethodno odabran na temelju kvalitativnih intervjua, uparen s uobičajenim proizvodom iz iste kategorije. Potom su proizvodi grupirani prema razini inovativnosti i adolescentskog utjecaja na roditelje.
24Vol. 30, No. 1, 2018, pp. 23-39 Later, the products were clustered by the level of innovativeness and the adolescents' impact on parents.Findings and implications -The products were clustered to demonstrate important implications for marketers, namely, where the infl uence of adolescents on parental purchase decisions is stronger and where it is weaker.Limitations -An examination of selected products shows the interrelationships between their perceived innovativeness and the impact of adolescents on their parents' purchase; however, the fi ndings could be tested on a larger range of products. The innovativeness of the particular product is time an...