Technology and innovation are essential for agricultural development, which makes the production process more efficient. This study aims to examine rice farmers’ participation in the use of high-yielding varieties and agricultural tools and machinery (ATAM) and its impacts on productivity and income. This study used primary data from the 2022 National Farmer Panel (PATANAS) study of five rice-based sample villages. The data were analysed descriptively and using R/C ratio calculations. The results showed that price, taste, and productivity influenced farmers’ participation in the use of new high-yielding varieties. Meanwhile, the use of ATAMs was influenced by the type of agroecosystem. The difference in the productivity of new high-yielding varieties compared to local varieties was 60.4%. The profitability (R/C) of new high-yielding varieties was higher than local varieties, 3.28 vs. 3.09, respectively. Using ATAM at harvest time can reduce yield loss by 4.1–5.4% and harvest time by 71%. The use of combine harvesters results in a higher R/C ratio than without using them, 2.77 vs. 2.49, respectively. The recommendations from the results of this study are to expand the use of new technology, conduct multi-location tests, carry out socialisation, and pay attention to the socio-economic conditions of the community.