The rapid expansion and increased popularity of cloud computing comes with no shortage of privacy concerns about outsourcing computation to semi-trusted parties. Leveraging the power of encryption, in this paper we introduce Cryptoleq: an abstract machine based on the concept of One Instruction Set Computer, capable of performing general-purpose computation on encrypted programs. The program operands are protected using the Paillier partially homomorphic cryptosystem, which supports addition on the encrypted domain. Full homomorphism over addition and multiplication, which is necessary for enabling general-purpose computation, is achieved by inventing a heuristically obfuscated software re-encryption module written using Cryptoleq instructions and blended into the executing program. Cryptoleq is heterogeneous, allowing mixing encrypted and unencrypted instruction operands in the same program memory space. Programming with Cryptoleq is facilitated using an enhanced assembly language that allows development of any advanced algorithm on encrypted datasets. In our evaluation, we compare Cryptoleq's performance against a popular fully homomorphic encryption library, and demonstrate correctness using a typical Private Information Retrieval problem.