The work is devoted to the study of the effect of an electric explosion on the selectivity of the destruction of quartz raw materials. The object of the study is quartz ore of the Nadyrbay deposit of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An electrohydroimpulse plant for crushing and grinding quartz raw materials has been developed and assembled. Using the electrohydroimpulse method, the granulometric composition of quartz can be adjusted. This makes it possible to adjust the magnitude of the voltage in the discharge channel and time. In this technology, quartz ore processing was carried out with an increase in the discharge voltage of the storage from 14 kV to 25 kV, the length of the interelectrode distance from 8 to 12, the capacitance of the capacitor 0.5 µF, 0.75 µF and the processing time of 5 min. Using the electrohydroimpulse method, quartz ore particles with an initial fraction of 5 mm, 10 mm and 1 mm were crushed to 0.8. The results of the grinding of quartz raw materials with the influence of an underwater electric explosion in a liquid medium allowed us to determine the degree of grinding of the material.
The obtained results can be used in the course of studying the characteristics of crushing and grinding of ores. In the food industry, quartz sand within 0.25–0.5 millimeters can be used as a filler to create filters for water purification, as well as products from oil, industrial effluents, etc. Particles ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 millimeter can be used for rough processing of metal, stone and glass.
The structural and quantitative analysis of powdered quartzite samples was made using a scanning electron microscope and the stoichiometry of the elements was calculated