A Ihree-dimensional Ntw~r-StoUs code IrJJS beell used to cotrI/IUU 1M heJlJ~., coef/iciml 011 two fiIm-eookd turbine b1DJks, 1IQ1IIe/y, 1M JIKI rotor with six rows of cooling holes, induJling three rows 011 1M shower Mad, and 1M C3X VIlM with niM rows of holes, induding five rows 011 1M shower heIJd. Pmlidions ofheJlJ tmnsfer coef/icielllat the bItule SUlfa« using three hf>o-equatioll turbuJmce motfels, specijieoJly, Cookley's q·w model, Chiell's t-e motfet, and WIIcar's k-o» model with Melller's modijieations, luwe been compand with 1M experimmtot t1IJJIl of Camei and Arts £11for 1M VKl rotor, and ofHyltoll el aI. 121for the C3X VIlM along with pretlidions using the Ba/dwin-Lo1ll/U (B-O model tIIkm from Gtug and Gaugler 131. II is foruul t1UIl for 1M CDS" considered here the twoequatioll motlds pretlid the btDde heJlJ~er somewhat better Ihtm 1M B-L model ex«pI immediote/y downstrttJm of the jiIm-cooling holes 011 1M suction SUIf-of 1M JIKI rotor, and over nwsI of 1M suaion surf-of 1M C3X VIlM. However, all hf>o-equatiOIl motfels require 40% more computer core than the B·L motfelfor solution, and while 1M q.w and t-e motfels need 40% mDre computer nine Ihtm 1M B-L motfet, the t-w model reqIIin3 at least 65% more nine becou.se of 1M slower tYlU of convergmt:e. II is loruul t1UIl 1M heJlJ tmnsfer coejJicielll uhibils a strollgspallwiseas wellas stretlmwise variationlor both b1DJks and all turbulence motfels.