We introduce the Sentinel platform that supports semantic enrichment of streamed social media data for the purposes of situational understanding. The platform is the result of a codesign effort between computing and social scientists, iteratively developed through a series of pilot studies. The platform is founded upon a knowledge-based approach, in which input streams (channels) are characterized by spatial and terminological parameters, collected media is preprocessed to identify significant terms (signals), and data are tagged (framed) in relation to an ontology. Interpretation of processed media is framed in terms of the 5W framework (who, what, when, where, and why). The platform is designed to be open to the incorporation of new processing modules, building on the knowledge-based elements (channels, signals, and framing ontology) and accessible via a set of user-facing apps. We present the conceptual architecture for the platform, discuss the design and implementation challenges of the underlying streamprocessing system, and present a number of apps developed in the context of the pilot studies, highlighting the strengths and importance of the codesign approach and indicating promising areas for future research.