The active six-membered cyclo-FLP 6 undergoes ar apid P/B addition reaction to carbond ioxide.A te levated temperature, the resultingh eterobicyclo[2.2.2]octane derivedproduct 7 undergoes ring opening and equilibrates with the cyclotetramer (7) 4 .Int he largemacrocyclic structure, four monomeric six-membered cyclo-FLP units are connected by four CO 2 molecules to form the supramolecular ring system.T he P/B cyclo-FLP 6 undergoes a variety of additional cycloadditionreactions.Coexistent pairs of active Lewis acids and bases were shown to undergo av ariety of remarkable reactions. [1] Such frustrated Lewis pairs often bind or activates mall molecules;t he heterolytic cleavage of dihydrogen is ap rominente xample, [2] which has resulted in the developmento fa ctivem etal-free hydrogenation catalysts. [3] Some intramolecular FLPs have shown unusual reactivities beyondt his, such as, for example, uncommon pathways of CO reduction [4] or reactions with nitric oxide to give new persistentn itroxide radicals. [5] The attachment of bulky substituents is mostly used to hindert he Lewis acid/ base pairs from forming inactive Lewis adducts, but geometric factors might become an additional supporting matter of choice. Incorporation of the central heteroatom components into cyclic structures serves to effectively hindert heir internal neutralization reaction. This has surprisingly seldom been used systematically. [6] We had recently devised as imple pathway to preparee xamples of the very active five-membered ring P/B FLP 3 [7] by ah ydroboration sequence (see Scheme 1) [8] .T he preparation of the isomeric six-membered P/B heterocycle 6 required ad ifferent strategy. This was achieved by as equence involving s-bond