Abstract:Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of C. zeylanicum aqueous extract on cell growth in the human myelocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1). Background: Today, application of Cinnamon for treatment of cancer investigates extensively. Cinnamon has antioxidant, anti-apoptotic and anti-infl ammatory properties. Methods: In this experimental study, THP-1 was incubated in 2, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 mg/ml C. zeylanicum solutions for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell cycle was assessed with fl ow cytometry. Apoptotic cells were identifi ed by Hoechst 33342 staining. Cell proliferation was assessed by the MTT assay. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analytical tests. Results: Samples that supplemented with 0.1 mg/ml C. zeylanicum aqueous extract enhanced induction of apoptosis in THP-1 cell line compared to samples that supplemented with 2, 1 and 0.01 mg/ml. According to fl ow cytometry analysis, after 24 and 72 hours of incubation in 0.1 and 2 mg/ml C. zeylanicum aqueous extract, respectively, the amount of cells in apoptosis phase was higher than that in the control sample. Conclusion: Supplemented C. zeylanicum aqueous extract induced apoptosis in the human myelocytic leukemia cell line (Fig. 4, Ref. 20). Text in PDF www.elis.sk.