The orchid planting media in the common acclimatization stage is the fern roots, but the growing demand for fern roots will reduce the availability of ferns in nature. One alternative that can be used as an orchid acclimation medium is a natural zeolite that has unique physical and chemical properties such as absorber, ion exchanger, molecular filter, and able to retain moisture. The purpose of this research is to get the right zeolite media for the acclimatization media of Phalaenopsis sp. hybrid. This research was using Phalaenopsis sp. hybrid aged 3 months and zeolite media which were obtained from mining then it was activated, both chemically and physically. Plants were grown in various treatment media, among others: zeolite, zeolite combination + roots fern, a combination of zeolite + charcoal, a combination of zeolite + brick, and fern roots. The results showed that the use of zeolite has an effect on increasing the number of orchid roots in acclimatization stage but it did not affect the number of leaves and the length of leaves. The combination media of zeolite + root of fern gave better influence in increasing number of roots, although it did not affect the number and size of leaf. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the combination of zeolite + fern root media can increase the root number of media of Phalaenopsis sp. hybrid in the acclimatization stage.Keywords: Acclimatization, Phalaenopsis sp., Planting Media, Zeolite ABSTRAK Media tanam anggek pada tahap aklimatisasi yang umum digunakan adalah akar pakis, namun permintaan akar pakis yang semakin banyak akan mengurangi ketersediaan pakis di alam. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai media aklimatisasi anggrek adalah batu zeolit alami yang memiliki sifat-sifat fisika dan kimia yang unik yaitu sebagai penyerap, 29