This article presents a retrospective review of data on side effects of drugs containing naphazoline and data on toxicity of the agent when entered the body via different pathways. Most publications on clinical signs of possible naphazoline-associated side effects are lacking thorough analysis of possible causes. Limited data on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug led to various complications after its administration. Therefore, further studies on naphazoline content dynamics or products of its biotransformation in biological substrates and determination of half-life of the agent must be conducted. This will allow establishingsafe levels for different exposure pathways and harmful levels of the naphazoline with respect to its material accumulation. It should be noted that scientific publications contain controversial data regarding allergenic potential of the agent. Possible side effects of the drug on the reproductionand development are not revealed. Determination of effects the products containing naphazoline may have on immune and reproductive system is an important part of the research.