1 Effects of E. coli endotoxin on vascular responsiveness to a variety of agents were compared with those of the calcium channel blocking drug nicardipine in pithed rats. 2 Infusion of endotoxin (250pgkg -h-') produced a fall in mean arterial blood pressure (8 mmHg). A similar fall (11 mmHg) was seen in rats receiving nicardipine (1.0 mg kg-'). 3 Endotoxin impaired responsiveness to vasopressin, phenylephrine and cirazoline, producing a shift to the right in the dose-response curves without any change in the maximum response. Responsiveness to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and to the a2-adrenoceptor agonists clonidine and BHT 933, was also impaired with a marked reduction in their maximum responses. The dose-response curve to the pressor effects of endothelin was not significantly modified. 4 Nicardipine produced a similar pattern of impairment of responsiveness to these agents to that produced by endotoxin. However, nicardipine also shifted the pressor dose-response curve to endothelin to the right with no significant alteration in its maximum response. 5 The pressor responses to endothelin and to 5-HT were, respectively, preceded and followed by dosedependent depressor responses, which were markedly reduced by endotoxin and nicardipine. 6 The concomitant infusion of arginine vasopressin (0.64iukg-'h-1) prevented endotoxin-induced hypotension and also prevented the impairment in responsiveness to cirazoline and to BHT 933. 7 The similarity of the pattern of impaired pressor responsiveness (except in relation to endothelin) and depressor responsiveness produced by endotoxin and nicardipine may be consistent with a common mechanism of action.