“…It is used to train a classi¯er on these features to determine whether nudity or pornography for any given image is present. The labeled image classi¯cation can be categorized using di®erent machine learning to identify pornographic image based on skin color and erotic part features, such as support vector machine as adopted by Duan et al, 36 Lin et al, 69 Zeng et al, 134 Staniszewski et al, 107 Zhu et al, 141 Dhakal et al, 34 Zhao and Cai, 136 Bouirouga et al 15 Decision tree classi¯er as adopted by Shen et al, 97 Shen et al, 98 Shiwei et al 101 Arti¯cial neural network as adopted by Kim et al, 61 Kim et al, 62 Zheng et al, 140 Lefebvre et al, 68 Sayed et al, 91 Wang et al, 117 and Jang et al 52 According to Subramanian et al, 108 the naïve Bayesian and neural network show promising and better techniques that can be applied to¯ltering spam, for instance the pornography spam. Duan et al 36 The authors proposed a skin color model (SCM) using a combination of YUV and YIQ color spaces.…”