“…To tackle the difficult task of fan-surface dating, many methods have been used, including 230 Th/ 234 U analysis of pedogenic carbonate (Ku et al, 1979), qualitative rock-varnish development (Bull, 1991), desert-pavement development (Bull, 1991), 14 C of soil carbonate (Wang et al, 1996), soil-profile analysis (Simpson, 1991), cosmogenic nuclides (Liu et al, 1996), tephrachronology (Reheis et al, 1996), paleomagnetism (Pope, 2000), satellite imagery (Beratan and Anderson, 1998), infrared stimulated luminescence (Clarke, 1994), granulometric studies (Ibbeken et al, 1998), rock weathering (White et al, 1998), and multiparameter relative-age analysis (McFadden et al, 1989). Watchman and Twidale (2002) provide a thorough review of stratigraphic and surface-exposure dating methods and their limitations.…”