Experimental lathyrism was produced in young albino mice with a diet containing 50 % sweet pea seed (Lathyrus odoratiis). After 7 days on the lathyritic diet, sections of the mandibular molar and incisor periodontal ligaments, when oxidized and treated wi(h aldehyde fuchsin, demonstrated enhanced staining of the oxytalan fibers and numerous vessels. At this time aldehyde fuchsin or orcein also revealed marked pathological changes in (he periodontal ligament of all molars. When lathyrism was prolonged for 12 weeks, both the molar and incisor oxytalan systems were still readily identifiable although the molar periodontal ligament continued to be severely affected by lathyrism. The oxytalan fibers retained their characteristic tooth-vascular association in all of the lathyritic mice. Oxytalan fibers of the lathyritic and control animals showed similar reactions to enzyme digestion with beta-glucuronidase, elastase, and pepsin. However, gingival elastic fibers reacted in a different way from oxytalan fibers with beta-glucuronidase and elastase treatment. These findings indicate that in (he lathyritic mouse the oxytalan fiber system of functioning teeth possesses a high degree of permanence and is metabolically distinct from collagen and elastic fibers.