In structural reliability analysis, Hasofer-Lind and Rackwitz-Fiessler (HL-RF) method is a widely used approximation method for evaluating the reliability index. However, by increasing the nonlinearity or complexity in the limit state function of a structure, HL-RF may get in trouble for convergence. This paper represents an iterative algorithm that tries to minimize the Lagrange function, associated with the reliability problem. In each iteration of this method, two steps are followed, to satisfy the minimization condition and the existing constraint. In the first step, a movement for minimization in a descent direction is followed. In the second step, another search direction contributes to approach limit state surface, and therefore the next iteration can start from the vicinity of the surface. Employing Lagrange reliability function and limit state function simultaneously in the proposed two-step Lagrangian-based method (TSLB) can help to control the numerical instability in highly nonlinear problems. The accuracy and robustness of the proposed algorithm are shown in illustrative examples of the literature.