The objective of this paper was to study plot size variation among potato clones to increase experimental precision of yield performance trials. The experiment was carried out at the experimental area of the Horticulture Dept., UFSM, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Tubers of five potato clones were planted in two rows of 60 hills in August 2004. For all ten experimental rows, combined plots were formed adding a different number of adjacent hills of the same row. Soil heterogeneity index and optimum plot size were estimated for each row. Real differences between treatment means for each clone and all clones were estimated using the Hatheway technique. The experimental precision of potato yield trials varied with the evaluated clone because of different optimum plot sizes. Eight-hill plots are the optimum size to quantify yield of potato clones, but experimental precision depends upon adjustments of the number of treatments and replications to the availability of experimental area. Genetic diversity indeed decreases experimental precision and justifies the use of different plot sizes. Practical applicattions and strategies to increase experimental precision of yields performance trials of potato clones are discussed.