40The field of ancient DNA is taxonomically dominated by studies focusing on mammals. This 41 taxonomic bias limits our understanding of endogenous DNA preservation for vertebrate taxa 42 with different bone physiology, such as teleost fish. In contrast to most mammalian bone, teleost 43 bone is typically brittle, porous, lightweight and is characterized by a lack of bone remodeling 44 during growth. Using high-throughput shotgun sequencing, we here investigate the preservation 45 of DNA in a range of different bone elements from over 200 archaeological Atlantic cod (Gadus 46 morhua) specimens from 38 sites in northern Europe, dating up to 8000 years before present. We 47 observe that the majority of archaeological sites (79%) yield endogenous DNA, with 40% of sites 48 providing samples that contain high levels (> 20%). Library preparation success and levels of 49 endogenous DNA depend mainly on excavation site and pre-extraction laboratory treatment. The 50 use of pre-extraction treatments lowers the rate of library success, although -if successful -the 51 fraction of endogenous DNA can be improved by several orders of magnitude. This trade-off 52 between library preparation success and levels of endogenous DNA allows for alternative 53 extraction strategies depending on the requirements of down-stream analyses and research 54 questions. Finally, we find that -in contrast to mammalian bones -different fish bone elements 55 yield similar levels of endogenous DNA. Our results highlight the overall suitability of 56 archaeological fish bone as a source for ancient DNA and provide novel evidence for a possible 57 role of bone remodeling in the preservation of endogenous DNA across different classes of 58 vertebrates. 59 60 Dabney et al., 2013), with the inclusion of a pre-digestion step (DD, Damgaard et al., 2015), or with 129