DOI: 10.1126/science.1175088
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An ER-Mitochondria Tethering Complex Revealed by a Synthetic Biology Screen

Abstract: Communication between organelles is an important feature of all eukaryotic cells. To uncover components involved in mitochondria/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) junctions, we screened for mutants that could be complemented by a synthetic protein designed to artificially tether the two organelles. We identified the Mmm1/Mdm10/Mdm12/Mdm34 complex as a molecular tether between ER and mitochondria. The tethering complex was composed of proteins resident of both ER and mitochondria. With the use of genome-wide mapping o… Show more

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Cited by 1,160 publications
(1,378 citation statements)
References 32 publications
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“…Interestingly, green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to ERMES components localize to about 1-10 punctae per cell, suggesting that either there are merely a few ER-mitochondria junctions per cell, or that the ERMES complex is only at some of these junctions. Consistent with a role for ERMES proteins in maintaining ER-mitochondrial contacts, phospholipids exchange between the ER and mitochondria was found to slow in cells missing any one of the ERMES proteins (Kornmann et al, 2009). A role for the ERMES complex in mitochondrial lipid homeostasis is also suggested by the genetic interaction of genes encoding ERMES proteins and those required for cardiolipin (CL) biosynthesis (Kornmann et al, 2011), which occurs in mitochondria.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 73%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…Interestingly, green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to ERMES components localize to about 1-10 punctae per cell, suggesting that either there are merely a few ER-mitochondria junctions per cell, or that the ERMES complex is only at some of these junctions. Consistent with a role for ERMES proteins in maintaining ER-mitochondrial contacts, phospholipids exchange between the ER and mitochondria was found to slow in cells missing any one of the ERMES proteins (Kornmann et al, 2009). A role for the ERMES complex in mitochondrial lipid homeostasis is also suggested by the genetic interaction of genes encoding ERMES proteins and those required for cardiolipin (CL) biosynthesis (Kornmann et al, 2011), which occurs in mitochondria.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 73%
“…Because cells missing proteins in the ERMES complex have abnormally shaped mitochondria (Burgess et al, 1994;Sogo and Yaffe, 1994;Berger et al, 1997;Kornmann et al, 2009), we wanted to determine if deletion of other genes that affect mitochondrial shape also cause cells missing Rtn1p and Yop1p to grow poorly. Cells lacking Mdm31p, an inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) protein of unknown function, have abnormal mitochondrial shape (Dimmer et al, 2005).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The ER-mitochondria encounter structure (ERMES), also involved in ER-mitochondria tethering, is a multifunctional protein complex implicated in both lipid transfer and mitochondrial outer membrane protein assembly ( AhYoung et al , 2015; Kornmann et al , 2009; Meisinger et al , 2006, Meisinger et al , 2007; Wideman et al , 2013; Wideman et al , 2010). However, ERMES as an ER-mitochondria tether is limited to a subset of eukaryote taxa ( Wideman et al , 2013), suggesting that a universal ER-mitochondria tethering complex might exist.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Calcium transport also occurs at ER-mitochondrial contact sites. Recent reports have described the components of ER-mitochondrial connections in budding yeast (Kornmann et al, 2009) and mammalian cells (de Brito & Scorrano, 2008;Merkwirth & Langer, 2008).…”
Section: Mitochondria Death and Er-mitochondrial Contactsmentioning
confidence: 99%