. Can. J. Chem. 66, 2947Chem. 66, (1988.The collisionally activated dissociation reactions of the C2 to C5 alkoxide ions have been studied for collisons occurring at 8 keV kinetic energy and also over the range 5 to 100 eV kinetic energy. The alkoxide ions fragment by 1,2-elimination of H2 andlor an alkane. Thus, primary alkoxide ions fragment by elimination of H, only, secondary alkoxide ions show elimination of Hz and alkane molecules, while tertiary alkoxide ions show elimination of alkanes only. In alkane elimination, loss of CH4 is much more facilie than loss of larger alkanes. For secondary alkoxide ions, where more than one elimination reaction occurs, the energy dependence of fragmentation has been explored over the collision energy range 5 to 100 eV. The results are interpreted in terms of a step-wise mechanism involving formation of an anion-carbonyl compound ion-dipole complex, followed by proton abstraction by the H-or alkyl anion leading to the final products. The relative importance of the reaction channels is determined by the relative stabilities of these ion-dipole complexes. ROGER S. MERCER et ALEX G. HARRISON. Can. J. Chem. 66,2947 (1988.On a CtudiCe les reactions de dissociation des ions alcoolates C2 a CS activkes par des collisions se produisant i une Cnergie cinktique de 8 keV ainsi qu'i des energies cinetiques allant de 5 a 100 eV. Les ions alcoolates se fragmentent par une elimination-l,2 de Hz eVou d'alcane. Ainsi, les ions alcoolates primaires se fragmentent uniquement par une elimination de Hz; par ailleurs, les ions alcoolates secondaires presentent de l'elimination de H2 ainsi que celle de molecules d'alcanes alors que les ions alcoolates tertiaires ne presentent que de l'elimination d'alcanes. Lors de l'elimination d'alcanes, la perte de CH4 est beaucoup plus facile que celle des alcanes plus volumineux. Dans le cas des alcoolates secondaires oh il se produit plus d'une elimination, on a CvaluC la relation qui existe entre I'energie de collision (de 5 100 eV) et le type de fragmentation. On interprete les resultats en fonction d'un mecanisme par Ctape impliquant la formation d'un complexe ion-dip6le d'un compose anioncarbonyle, suivie par l'enlevernent d'un proton par un H-ou par un anion alkyle, conduisant aux produits. On a determine l'importance relative des diverses voies rtactionnelles en se basant sur les stabilites relatives de ces complexes ion-dip6les.[Traduit par la revue] Introduction Studies of the fragmentation of gaseous ions have long been invaluable sources of information concerning the structures and chemistry of such species (1, 2). This information is even more useful if the internal energy of the fragmenting ions is known and can be varied in a controlled fashion; such energy-resolved studies permit the establishment of break-down graphs expressing the variation of fragment ion yields with internal energy. Energy-resolved data for odd-electron molecular cations can be obtained with high precision by photoelectron/photoion coincidence (PEPICO) experiments (3-5)...