Repeated superovulation and in-vivo collection of ova were carried out with thirty does divided into three groups of ten does each. One group received fsh\p=m-\lh, a second group received pmsg\p=m-\hcg and the controls received only lh. Injections of fsh\p=m-\lh at three 16-week intervals followed by one 8-week interval resulted in 46\m=.\5,35\m=.\4,25\m=.\2 and 18\m=.\0ovulation points/doe. This decrease with time was significant (P<0\m=.\05).Corresponding values for the pmsg\p=m-\hcg group which, however, received fsh\p=m-\lhfor the final superovulation were 13\m=.\6,5\m=.\7, 6\m=.\2and 20\m=.\3.The lh controls averaged 7\m=.\8,7\m=.\0,5\m=.\1 and 5\m=.\6ovulation points. Overall treatment differences were highly significant (P<0\m=.\005). From the 1920 ovulation points 1593 ova (83%) were recovered, of which 83\m=.\1% were cleaved. Young born from unrecovered ova accounted for 3\m=.\1%.Control kindlings by the same does at regular periods resulted in normal litter size but in fewer does kindling as the experiment progressed. Results of two bio-assays for antihormones suggested that this decrease was due to hormonal refractoriness which was most pronounced in the pmsg\p=m-\hcg group.