This paper presents an experimental study on the velocities of single, nearly neutrally buoyant particles in water in horizontal flows. Particle specific gravity was found to have a strong effect on the particle velocity. The modified particle Froude number was found to be an effective parameter to reflect the effect of density. A force-balance model has been developed that includes the effects of particle specific gravity and particle shape.On presente dans cet article une etude experimentale des vitesses de particules individuelles de densite proche de un dans I'eau dans des koulements horizontaw. On a trouve que la masse volumique des particules exeqait une forte influence sur la vitesse des particules. Le nombre de Froude modifie des particules s'est avert un parametre efficace pour refleter I'effet de la masse volumique. On a mis au point un modele d'equilibre des forces tenant compte des effets de la masse volumique des particules et de la fonne des particules.Keywords: two-phase flow, flow of nearly neutrally buoyant particles.he study of solid-liquid two-phase flow has been largely T related to hydraulic conveyance. Existing models, such as Wilson's two-layer model (Shook and Roco, 1991), Doron's three-layer model (1997), and measurements, such as those recently done by Hill and Shook (1997), have cast insight into such flows. On the other hand, however, they have been mainly related to the averaged bulk velocity of the solids as a whole, instead of individual particles.Recently, the flow of food mixtures in pipes, such as holding tubes, has become an important aspect of two-phase flow. In contrast to the materials in hydraulic transport, food particles are often nearly neutrally buoyant: a distribution of particle density, which is usually the case, may cause large axial velocity differences among the particles. A brief explanation for this is given in the later section EfSect of particle density. Since the axial velocity of a particle determines the time for the particle to flow through a pipe and consequently the time of thermal treatment, large axial velocity differences can cause significant non-uniform thermal treatment and create problems in food processing. A food process should ensure sterilization of the fastest flowing particles that spend the shortest time in the processing unit, whilst minimizing over-cooking of the slowest particles (Sastry and Zuritz, 1983;Fryer and Alwis, 1989; Fryer et al., 1991). Therefore, unlike hydraulic conveyance, it is the axial velocity of individual particles that is the main concern.Through experimental data, Dutta and Sastry ( 1990) showed a wide range of resident time distribution among nearly neutrally buoyant particles. Existing studies in the literature are mainly concerned about resident time distribution, yet it has not been systematically related to the particle properties, such as density, and flow conditions. However, direct measurements of particle velocity are desired for food processing, *Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail addres...