Being activated by depolarizing voltages and increases in cytoplasmic Ca
2+, voltage-and calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels and their modulatory β-subunits are able to dampen or stop excitatory stimuli in a wide range of cellular types, including both neuronal and nonneuronal tissues. Minimal alterations in BK channel function may contribute to the pathophysiology of several diseases, including hypertension, asthma, cancer, epilepsy, and diabetes. Several gating processes, allosterically coupled to each other, control BK channel activity and are potential targets for regulation by auxiliary β-subunits that are expressed together with the α (BK)-subunit in almost every tissue type where they are found. By measuring gating currents in BK channels coexpressed with chimeras between β1 and β3 or β2 auxiliary subunits, we were able to identify that the cytoplasmic regions of β1 are responsible for the modulation of the voltage sensors. In addition, we narrowed down the structural determinants to the N terminus of β1, which contains two lysine residues (i.e., K3 and K4), which upon substitution virtually abolished the effects of β1 on charge movement. The mechanism by which K3 and K4 stabilize the voltage sensor is not electrostatic but specific, and the α (BK)-residues involved remain to be identified. This is the first report, to our knowledge, where the regulatory effects of the β1-subunit have been clearly assigned to a particular segment, with two pivotal amino acids being responsible for this modulation.BK channels | gating currents | voltage sensor | BK beta-subunits H igh-conductance voltage-and calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels are homotetrameric proteins of α-subunits encoded by the slo1 gene (1). These channels are expressed in virtually all mammalian tissues, where they detect and integrate membrane voltage and calcium concentration changes dampening the responsiveness of cells when confronted with excitatory stimuli. They are abundant in the CNS and nonneuronal tissues, such as smooth muscle or hair cells. This wide distribution is associated with an outstandingly large functional diversity, in which BK channel activity appears optimally adapted to the particular physiological demands of each cell type (2). On the other hand, small alterations in BK channel function may contribute to the pathophysiology of hypertension, asthma, cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, and other conditions in humans (3-8). Alternative splicing, posttranslational modifications, and regulation by auxiliary proteins have been proposed to contribute to this functional diversity (1, 2, 9-16).The BK channel α-subunit is formed by a single polypeptide of about 1,200 amino acids that contains all of the key structural elements for ion permeation, gating, and modulation by ions and other proteins. Tetramers of α-subunits form functional BK channels. Each subunit has seven hydrophobic transmembrane segments (S0-S6), where the voltage-sensor domain (VSD) and pore domain (PD) reside (2). The N terminus faces the extracellular side of...