Circulant embedding is a powerful algorithm for fast simulation of stationary Gaussian random fields on a rectangular grid in R n , which works perfectly for compactly supported covariance functions. Cut-off circulant embedding techniques have been developed for univariate random fields for dimensions up to R 3 and rely on the modification of a covariance function outside the simulation window, such that the modified covariance function is compactly supported. In this paper, we propose extensions of the cut-off approach for univariate and bivariate Gaussian random fields. In particular, we provide a method for simulating bivariate fields with a powered exponential model and the Matérn model for certain sets of parameters. Movie 2. Simulations from the bivariate Matérn model [To ensure that the visuanimation will play properly, use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the pdf file.].holds. The covariance function C is stationary and isotropic if additionally C.h 1 / D C.h 2 / whenever kh 1 k D kh 2 k; that is, marginal covariances and cross-covariances depend only on the distance between the locations. Hereinafter, we write C.r/ instead of C.h/ with r D khk, whenever C.h/ is stationary and isotropic.where W is the one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform matrix of size 2N 2N with entries w pq D e 2 ipq=2N , p, q D 0, : : : , 2N 1, and W is the conjugate transpose of W. The eigenvalues in the diagonal matrix ƒ form the Figure 1. Toeplitz matrix and its circulant embedding matrix.