The aim of this paper is to consider certain results about compact 3-manifolds and their fundamental groups and to decide whether suitable generalizations hold in the non-compact case. We will say that a group G is a 3-manifold group if 0 is the fundamental group of some 3-manifold.Our starting point is the theorem of Kneser [9] which says that a compact 3-manifold is a finite connected sum of prime manifolds. In § 1, we discuss the idea of an infinite connected sum and we give an example of a non-compact 3-manifold which cannot be a finite or an infinite connected sum of prime manifolds. Our example is simply connected, so clearly this phenomenon is caused by geometric pathology and not by pathology of the fundamental group. Now suppose that M is a compact 3-manifold and that the fundamental group 0 of M is indecomposable (that is, O is not a non-trivial free product). Then Kneser's result tells us that there is a prime manifold N also with fundamental group G such that M is obtained from N by connected sum with 3-balls and homotopy 3-spheres. Our example mentioned above suggests that one cannot prove an analogous result when M is not compact. Instead we consider the weaker result which simply states that there exists a prime manifold iV with fundamental group G. Note that N is irreducible except when N is an # 2 -bundle over S 1 . In this exceptional case, we have that G is infinite cyclic and so G is the fundamental group of the solid torus S 1 x D 2 which is irreducible. Thus we see that there always exists an irreducible compact 3-manifold N with fundamental group G. We are unable to prove the obvious generalization of this result to the non-compact case, but in § 3 we prove the following theorem. THEOREM 3.1. If G is a 3-manifold group which is indecomposable and has no elements of order 2, then there exists a 3-manifold X with fundamental group G and 7T 2 {X) = 0.We remark that every embedded 2-sphere in X must bound a homotopy ball. Hence if the Poincare* conjecture is true, X must be irreducible. However, there is a special situation in which we are able to construct an