Dynami c photoelasticity and dynamic finite element methods were used to study the transient response of dynamic tear test (DTT) specimen o~ a brittle materia l , Homa lite-lOO . The dynami c stress intensity factors obtained from dyna~ic photoelasticity and dynami c finite element analysis were generally in excellent agreement wi th each other and showed that the NRL procedure of computina the dynamic fracture initiation toughness from strain gage measurements near the crack tip was reasonably accurate . Dynami c fracture toughness versus crack velocity relations were also obtained.
I NTRODUCT IONIn a previous paper [ 1], one of the authors used dynami c photoelasticity to analyze an enlarged photoelastic model of the dynamic tear test specimen (DTT) developed by the Naval Research Laboratories ( NRL) [2 ,3,4]. This DTT specimen , which is a dynamically loaded three-point bend specimen , developed ful l thickness cleavage fracture without sidegrooving and Is an ASIM proposed fracture specimen for assessing potential brittle fracture characteristics of ductile materials.Brittle fracture of the NRL type DTT specimen in the previous dynamic photoelasticity Investigation was modeled by 356x88.9 m specimens machined from 9.5 rv thick Homalite-lOO plates subjected to an Impact loading of 1.83 to 3.62 N-rn * Currently on l eave from Ta kasa go Technical Institute , Mi tsubishi Heavy Industries , Ta kasa go , Japan. 2. Dynami c fracture toughness, K IDS decreases after reaching a maximum value as the crack propagated towards the Impact site .3. Dynamic tear energy which was computed from the measured dynamic fracture toughness varied wi th the sharpness of the starter crack.4. The average dynami c energy release rate,~J D, was approximately equal to the critical strain energy release rate, b i~, of the Homalite-lOO plate.In a subsequent reevaluation of this DII test resul t [5], dynamic fracture initiation toughness , K Id, was estimated to be approximately equal to the static fracture toughness, K it , in contradiction with the generally expected decrease in K Id under Impact loading. Such possible decrease in K Id for the strain ratesensitive Homalite-lOO plates was conjectured from the observed trend in ductile metals with lesser strain rate sensitivity than Homalite-iQO plates.Results of the above dynamic photoelastic investigation presented some new concepts for the fracture dynamic response of DTT specimens as well as identified areas in which further investigation is necessary to clari fy points of controversy . As a result , in this study DTT specimens machined from Homalite-lOO plates were reanalyzed by dynamic photoelasticity as well as by the newly developed dynamic finite element method . The numerical technique was also used to compute the dynamic strains adjacent to the crack tip prior to and ininediately after the onset of crack propagation and the dynamic stress Intensity factor at the onset of crack propagation , K id, was then estimated through Loss static procedure ( 3].In the following so...