India, which is aptly referred to as the world's botanical garden, is the country that produces the most medicinal herbs. The Apocynaceae/Asclepiadaceae family member, Calotropis gigantea sometimes known as the Crown Flower, has special therapeutic characteristics that can be used on its own or in combination with other drugs to treat common illnesses. There is a surprising therapeutic diversity in herbal medications. Entire dried plant is employed as rejuvenating, parasitic worm expellers and mucus explusors in ayurveda. While latex of it cures vertigo, baldness, hair loss, and rheumatoid arthritis, and to treat asthma root in dry form is used, leprosy. Calotropis is employed as a homoeopathic remedy in addition to its conventional purposes. Significant medicinal benefits can be obtained from the plant's extracts from its many components. It is necessary to objectively investigate these treatments in order to determine their active principles and comprehend their pharmacological properties, such as prophylactic protective, NSAID, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, antiulcer ,helps in treating Covid-19, antimalarial, antipyretic, wound healing activity, cytotoxic properties, anti-asthmatic , procoagulant , CNS and anticonvulsant activity, pregnancy interceptive, anticancer, analgesic, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, insecticidal, and hepatoprotective. It provides data about the mythical importance, herbal relevance, origin, pharmacogenetic illustration, herbal constituents, biological activities, and ethnopharmacological noteworthiness of Calotropis gigantea is summarized in the current review.