The retina segments obtained from Mice-664 C57BL/6J eyeballs were investigated at 23A1 IASW- Beamline, NSRRC. Transmission small and wide-angle scattering (SAXS and WAXS) measurements and the related data were used to reach nanoscale natural morphology and internal structural information of ROS. Rhodopsin macromolecules in their natural medium (inside of the rods and retina) were successfully detected. The X-ray scattering effects of rhodopsin macromolecules in mice eyeball and surgically separated retina samples were carried out to reach the most natural situation of the molecules in the same animal species and to determine detection limits of rhodopsin macromolecules. The quantitative results about the structures of ROS membranes, rhodopsins and α-helices trans membranes were also carried out in nanoscopic scale.