Purpose: Social policies for accessing water during droughts have contributed to coexisting with dry periods. One of these policies involves the construction of cisterns through the “Um Milhão de Cisternas” Program (P1MC) and the “Uma Terra e Duas Águas” Program (P1+2). To comprehend the effects of P1+2, this study aims to assess its impacts on the quality of life and environmental sustainability of beneficiaries compared to non-beneficiaries.
Method/design/approach: The research was conducted in the municipalities of Canindé and Itapiúna, Ceará, and data were collected through questionnaires administered to P1+2 beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. From the data, the Quality of Life Index (QLI) and the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) were calculated for beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.
Results and conclusion: The QLI of beneficiaries was lower than that of non-beneficiaries, suggesting a need for greater monitoring of beneficiaries and potential adaptations. The ESI was higher for beneficiaries, indicating some effect of the program on environmental sustainability. The low ESI for beneficiaries highlights weaknesses in the context of water security in the semiarid region.
Research implications: Contributing to the improvement of P1+2, population quality of life, and environmental sustainability.
Originality/value: It is a novel research in this region, and it is important to generate data about P1+2 to understand its benefits and propose improvements.