Arreta Gabezia eta Hiperaktibitatea Nahastea (AGHN) haurren artean maiztasun handienarekin diagnostikatzen den nahastea da, horren prebalentzia % 6.7 eta % 7.8 artean dagoelarik mundu mailan. AGHNa diagnostikatzeko bi sailkapensistema dira ezagunenak: DSM-V (APA, 2014) eta CIE-11 (OMS, 2018). Horien arabera, nahasteak jatorri neurobiologikoa du eta familia zein eragile sozialek ardura nabarmena dute berarengan. Honenbestez, lan honen helburua hirukoitza da. Batetik, AGHNaren kontzeptualizazio, sintomatologia eta ebaluazioaren inguruko informazioa eguneratu nahi da, berrikuspen bibliografiko baten bitartez. Bestetik, familia-sistemak AGHNan duen papera aztertuko da, hain zuzen, bai gurasoen heziketa-estiloek, bai atxikimendu mota ezberdinek diagnostikoan duten eragina. Azkenik, ikuspegi teoriko batetik aplikatuago batera salto eginez, AGHNa duten haurren familiakideentzat lagungarriak izan daitezkeen esku-hartze proposamenak luzatuko dira; zehazki, arlo emozionalean, kognitiboan, konduktualean eta sozialean.GAKO-HITZAK: AGHNa • Haurtzaroa • Familia-sistema • Atxikimendua • Heziketa-estiloak.
Family and hyperactivity living together!: attachment and education stylesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent disorder diagnosed in childhood, in fact, its worldwide prevalence is estimated among %6.7 and %7.8. Based on the current two international classification systems for diagnosing ADHD (DSM-5; APA, 2014 and CIE-11; OMS, 2018), it is considered to have a neurobiological basis and that other factors such as family and other social agents may have an impact on this disorder. The purpose of this study is threefold. On the one hand, we will make an approach to the conceptualization, symptomatology and evaluation sistems of ADHD, through a literature review. On the other hand, we will analyze the role of the family in this disorder, taking into account the parenting styles, as well as the effect that diverse emotional attachments can have in the diagnosis. Lastly, moving from a theoretical part to a more practical one, some proposals for action will be presented with the aim of helping children with ADHD and their families in the emotional, cognitive, behavioral and social areas.