This study presents the validation of the final phase of the NetEdu Tool, an online tool targeted at promoting the social capital of networks of educational and social organizations in a region. The tool makes available to educational leaders the possibility of selfassessing their own socio-educational network bearing in mind five dimensions: collaboration, transversality, horizontality, coresponsibility and innovation. The NetEdu Tool also facilitates micro-strategies so leaders can implement them to improve the levels attained on each of the dimensions and of the community ecosystem as a whole. In this study, we validated the microstrategies via a panel of eight expert judges who assessed the intelligibility, consistency and utility of the microstrategies. The results show a good selection of micro-strategies and high consistency, but it was suggested that its intelligibility be improved by including further nuances, specificity and exemplification. Thus, a series of changes and improvements in the tool were introduced, piloted and applied targeted at its usability, intelligibility, utility and inclusion.