During the last 10 years, MSMEs have been the engine of the regional economy with a type of business that has reached 92% of all types of businesses in DIY. According to DINKOPUKM Sleman, it is known that the number of MSMEs in the handicraft sector reached 2964, which was then interviewed by 30 MSMEs in Sleman Regency, there were 17% of business actors who had used e-commerce and still around 83% had not used e-commerce as a medium of buying and selling. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of external environmental factors affecting the use of e-Commerce barriers to craft MSMEs in Sleman Regency. Data collection was carried out by observing, interviewing and distributing questionnaires to 120 owners of handicraft MSMEs in Sleman Regency who had not used e-Commerce. This study uses the Multiple Linear Regression method. Based on the results of data research, the factors that influence the barriers to the use of e-Commerce in handicraft MSMEs in Sleman Regency, seen from the coefficient, are the consumer factor of 3,.469. Technological factors, competitors and government policies do not affect barriers to e-Commerce use. Selama 10 tahun belakangan UMKM merupakan mesin penggerak ekonomi daerah dengan jenis usaha hingga mencapai 92% dari seluruh jenis usaha yang berada di DIY. Menurut DINKOPUKM Sleman diketahui jumlah UMKM pada bidang kerajinan mencapai 2964 yang selanjutnya diwawancara 30 UMKM di Kabupaten Sleman terdapat 17% pelaku usaha sudah memanfaatkan e-commerce dan masih sekitar 83% belum memanfaatkan e-commerce sebagai media jual beli. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor lingkungan eksternal yang menghambat penggunaan e-Commerce pada UMKM kerajinan di Kabupaten Sleman.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara serta menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 120 pemilik UMKM Kerajinan di Kabupaten Sleman yang belum menggunakan e-commerce. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Regresi Linier Berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, faktor konsumen berpengaruh terhadap hambatan penggunaan e-commerce dilihat dari nilai koefisien sebesar 3,469. Faktor teknologi, faktor pesaing dan faktor kebijakan pemerintah tidak berpengaruh menghambat penggunaan e-commerce di UMKM Kerajian Kabupaten Sleman.