This study aims to analyze the results of peer evaluation by assessing students' ability to compile and analyze objective questions. The method in this study is the descriptive method. The study is conducted in Building Engineering Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Jakarta in the Evaluation Learning course. Each student is assessed by other students in the same group. The assessment is conducted when the student presents their compile and analyze objective questions task. The instrument in this study is an analytical rubric used when conducting peer assessment. The total respondent is 55 students who took the Evaluation Learning course. The analysis data technology used is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results showed that the measurement was declared valid (<0.7) and reliable (CR = 0.96). Based on the results of the calculation of Discriminant Validity (AVE), it can be seen that the peer assessment measurement has an AVE value of 0.929, which is quite high. The result of peer assessment of students' critical thinking skills showed a lower category. It can be understood that at the time of peer assessment there are many influencing factors such as lack of experience of students in conducting peer assessments, online assessments, lack of concentration, time, and lack of understanding of the rubric content and misconceptions.