Food crops are highly dependent on climatic conditions, because food crops, especially annual crops, are closely related to excess or lack of water. Demanding district is included in dryland agriculture where the availability of water depends on rain and pumps from the nearest river. The study aims a) to analyze the sources of dryland farming risk, b) to analyze the probability and impact of production risk in dryland farming, and c) to analyze alternative production risk strategies in dryland rice farming. The results showed that the risk sources that could reduce rice productivity were plant-disturbing organisms and weather factors. The highest risk sources from plant-disturbing organisms are blast disease and leaf blights, leafhoppers, and a combination of leafhoppers and leaf spot disease. Sources of risk due to weather factors are drought and strong winds. The probability of production risk in dryland rice farming is highest due to disease. The lowest risk productivities are caused by a combination of pest and disease attacks. The impact of highest production risk on dryland rice farming is the weather factor because it is a factor that is difficult to predict and overcome. The risk map for rice production is located in quadrant two, which shows a high probability of production risk and a high risk of loss impact. Strategies that are carried out to handle production risks are preventive strategies and mitigation strategies.