Very little work has been done searching for astrophysical transient optical emission in the millisecond to nanosecond regime with significant sensitivity. We call this regime "Ultra-Fast Astronomy", or UFA. To investigate transients on as short time scales as possible, we developed our own customized readout system for a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM)-based UFA camera, intended for use on conventional astronomical telescopes. SiPMs, available in array packages for imaging a field, are capable of time-tagged single-photon detection in the visible wavelength range. Our readout system consists of 16 channels of 14-bit data logging. Each channel includes a 50-dB gain pre-amplifier, signal shaping circuits, an analogue front end, an analogue to digital converter, and a Xilinx UltraScale+ Field Programable Gate Array Multipurpose System on Chip (FPGA-MPSoC) board for data-logging. We show that our system successfully read out the data from SiPM at 16 ns intervals with a maximum power consumption of 300 mW per channel and capability to perform concurrent 16 channels readout.