The work is devoted to clarifying the strategic priorities of regional innovative development in the context of digitalization. It is shown that the processes of digitalization and innovative development of Russian regions are in a strong relationship with each other and both have a positive effect on economic growth. Digitalization (its personnel, material and technical and scientific support) of the economy, social sphere and management is itself the main strategic priority for the innovative development of Russian regions. In addition, the use of digitalization opportunities for strategic planning and management of regional innovative development is a priority. Following the position of the scientific school of V. L. Kvint on the need to coordinate development priorities at all levels, when strategizing both the digital development of regions and their scientific and innovative development, it is advisable to take into account the priority of introducing digital technologies into the public administration process, digitalization of the scientific and innovative process, and supporting scientific and innovative activities for the development of digital technologies , the priority of creating digitalized innovation ecosystems, the possibility of interregional and international cooperation in the development and implementation of digital technologies.