Research Group for RTD and other quantum devices having folded-back I-V.First augmented circuit simulator version was named NDR SPICE (1994) and was added with simple mechanisms like forced convergence routine to recover from oscillatory (non-convergence) situations in DC simulation. The second version, named QSPICE (1999), was augmented with homotopy-based convergence routine, named RTD-stepping as well as a novel limiting algorithm to overcome the limitations of source stepping and Gmin stepping that are used in commercial SPICE simulators. The component model of NDR and QSPICE were added with a host of quantum tunneling devices, including resonant tunneling diode (RTD), bound state resonant tunneling transistor (BSRTT), resonant tunneling barrier transistor (RTBT), resonant hot electron transistor (RHET), and surface tunneling transistor (STT).IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 14, NO. 6, JUNE 1995
653Device and Circuit Simulation of Quantum Electronic Devices S. Mohan, J. P. Sun, Pin& Mazumder, Member, IEEE, and G. I. Haddad, Fellow, IEEE Abstract-Quantum electronic devices such as resonant tunneling diodes and transistors are now beginning to be used in ultrafast and compact circuit designs. These devices exhibit negative differential resistance (NDR) and/or negative transconductance in their I-V characteristics and have active dimensions of a few nanometers. Since the conventional drift-diffusion approximation is not valid for simulation of device behavior at this microscopic scale, quantum simulation models based on the Schriidinger equation are required to accurately predict the behavior of the device. However, these models are too slow for circuit simulation. This paper describes a modeling scheme that maintains the accuracy of the quantum simulation while achieving satisfactory speed for circuit simulation, and is applicable to a wide range of two and three terminal resonant tunneling devices and may also be extended to future scaled-down MOS and bipolar devices. A self-consistent solution of the Poisson and the Schriidinger equations for various bias points is used to build up tables of conductances, capacitances and other parameters.