The purpose of this study was to determine the application of online methods to thematic learning, the obstacles and solutions to the application of online methods to thematic learning of fifth grade students at MIS Wonoyoso, Buaran District, Pekalongan Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach. The primary data sources in this study were classroom teachers and students. The secondary data sources in this study were the principal, documents, photos, school administration, and class administration at MIS Wonoyoso. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that MIS Wonoyoso had implemented the online method according to the recommendations suggested by the government. The online method applied is internet-based in the form of whatsapp, google from and workshit applications. The online method is applied to thematic learning by combining several subjects. The obstacles are students do not have cellphones, do not have quotas, students and parents cannot stand by in collecting assignments, students do not understand the material sent by the teacher. The solution is that the teacher calls students who do not have cellphones to come to school, the school cooperates with smartphone operators to provide free quotas, the teacher cooperates with parents, the teacher provides material with an explanation in the form of voice recordings. After the teacher gives the material, the students are evaluated through google from and workshit to measure the extent to which students are able to understand the material presented.